
Above the beating heart a flower blooms

It’s full of life and color and it owns all of her essence:

Her soft, her tough, her sweet and bitter, her smile and tear, her yes and no, her breathing in and out, her flowing with the night and waking up to daylight, to delight.

Ülo Sooster (1924-1970) “Breast”. Oil and collage on wood. KUMU Museum, Tallinn, Estonia. Photo: ©Slowaholic

Ülo Sooster (1924-1970)
“Breast”. Oil and collage on wood. KUMU Museum, Tallinn, Estonia. Photo: ©Slowaholic

Moments: Split

That moment. When one thinks the split happens. Between Heaven and Earth. Up and down. Light and darkness. Then and now. Here and there. Yet all is one. The same. In Heaven and on Earth. Up and down. In light as in darkness. Then and now. Here as well as there.


Flight from Germany to France. June 2015. Photo: ©Slowaholic

Apusuri de soare în sudul Franței

De ceva timp nu pot rosti cuvinte. Ele aleargă prin mintea mea dezordonat, uneori învolburate, alteori liniștite, dar nu vor să iasă de acolo. Prin urmare azi vă aduc în dar numai imagini. De ar putea vorbi, fiecare dintre ele ar spune câte o poveste, ar mărturisi câte un vis… Desigur, vă invit pe voi să vă imaginați propriile povești și să țeseți propriile vise.