Cu tractorul pe apă

Ko Phi Phi (Tailanda) este o insulă mică. Nu există aeroport, singura modalitate de a ajunge acolo e cu barca. Noi am călătorit spre Phi Phi cu o barcă de viteză din Phuket. Am făcut cam două ore pe drum,după care, din pricina curentului, am ajuns la destinație cu părul vâlvoi, dar în paradisul acela, cui îi mai păsa vreun pic de frizură?… 🙂 Când am ajuns, nu mică ne-a fost mirarea să vedem cum se face transportul de la barcă pe mal. Atât al pasagerilor, cât și al bagajelor: cu tractorul cu remorcă. Zău! Iaca așa. Barca se oprește, aruncă ancora și așteaptă cumințică tractorul, care se descurcă de minune. Singurul inconvenient este că face o gălăgie asurzitoare și că scoate un fum împuțit și înecăcios de îți dau lacrimile, dar nu durează mult și ești debarcat în rai, așa că păcatele tractorului urâcios dispar cumva imediat, în mod miraculos.

Tare mult mi-a plăcut acolo. Am tot spus asta și probabil că o voi mai spune.

Este adevărat: „Heaven is a place on Earth. And it is called Ko Phi Phi”.

Moments: That Beach

A piece of me is still on that beach, twisting her fingers through her sea-salty hair. Pressing her toes deep down in the sand, feeling its moisture and its harsh, pleasant touch. Whatever I do and wherever I am, that place takes me over and keeps bringing me back, with invisible strings so well-known by the heart. The surrender is sweet, and the magic is strong, and the dream is so real, I stand there on my own. I am kissed by the wind and caressed by the sun, feeling amazed at the new breaking dawn, when all’s bathed in red-gold and in all shades of pink and the blues are all different, for a moment, I think…

Low tide, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand. Photo: ©Slowaholic

Low tide, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand. Photo: ©Slowaholic

Photo Memories: Phi Phi’s Magic

I found some photos from Thailand in hubby’s phone. Just one look at them, and they instantly carried me back there, on that beach, in Ko Phi Phi. Probably one of the most beautiful places in the world, certainly one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It’s cold outside, but I can smell the scent of the sea. I close my eyes.

I feel the sand against the soles of my feet, as well as all over my body, for I love lying down in the sand. The sun is burning badly. I open a bottle of cold water and drink it all. I get up and look for a little shade under the palm trees. I find a delicate white Plumeria flower and put it in my hair. I walk a while, looking for shells and stones. I step on one. It almost cuts my skin, but even though it hurts, I check and see my foot is fine. I go for a swim. In that instant, it seems that there is nothing else except that very moment, that place, nature and I alone, in perfect harmony and peace.

Here, more than anywhere else, Thailand has worked its magic on me. Miles away from ‘civilisation’, on this paradise island, where even luxury resorts have a normal pulse and a simple life and are very scarce, Ko Phi Phi has a tremendous energy that goes beyond words. It cut right through me, cracking me open to the core. Nothing fake, no defences, no pretending, no social engagements. Just me. It was… interesting to meet myself like that.